We have started the construction of a new colocation facility at Atman Data Center Warsaw-1 in May. Keep track of the progress here, the page we will be updated on a regular basis.
Annually, nazwa.pl singles out companies and organizations whose activities contribute to the development of digital Poland. This year Atman was recognized in the Security category.
Atman Dedicated Servers of the Startup Line have been equipped with more powerful processors and HotSwap cases. The monthly fees remained the same.
The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation (WOSP) appreciates the unchanging quality and reliability of services provided by Atman. Once again, WOSP entrusted us with providing the Internet in the studio of the finale and for its website.
In order to constantly maintain the highest quality of services provided to our customers, in recent months we have taken steps to modernize those parts of the infrastructure on which our cloud and object storage services are provisioned. Our cloud has accelerated – the number of operations in a second doubled, up to 12,000 IOPS.
By exploiting the expertise of Colt and Atman, businesses in the Central and Eastern Europe can facilitate and accelerate their digital transformation through agile, on-demand and high bandwidth services.
Three Atman services have received positive verification from the Polish Ministry of Digital Affairs and are now available on the Cloud Services Provision platform. Public officials will be able to make use of cloud computing, backup and object storage services provided by the Tier III+ data center operator.
The modernization of the so called southern DWDM ring of our network assumes the replacement of ECI XDM hardware platform with ECI Apollo.
Atman expanded its offer to include another security service. This time it is an E-Line data encryption service – Atman MACSec. It allows to secure links beyond external firewalls, e.g. links between two branches of one enterprise.
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