The infrastructure that serves your data so that you can:

- In several data centers
- Via different technologies, from own servers through clouds up to containers
- Benefiting from the knowledge of over 100 leading Polish engineers

- Safely outside of your company’s premises
- Using the full range of redundant solutions: from server disk up to object storage
- In full compliance with the GDPR rules

- Via dedicated carrier-class links
- Via all recognized means: from dark fibers through Ethernet, IP VPN, and SD-WAN up to the Internet
- Across the country (and beyond)
Our infrastructure is an ecosystem of perfectly co-operating technologies
Thanks to them, Atman is the first choice for safe, reliable IT.

Data centers:
- 3 geographically remote data centers, including one 11‑building campus
- Network neutrality – 27 operators
- Cloud neutrality – we accept cloud providers
- Compliance with the Tier III+ standard requirements
- 19,500 sq. m of technical space
- 73 MW of guaranteed power supply
- Extensive computing infrastructure for services:
- 3,000 servers, many disk arrays and network components
- 4,000 server spare parts
- OpenStack, Ceph, KVM, oVirt, Proxmox, VMware, custom applications

Thinx IX
- 170 members, 1.5 Tbps traffic
- Direct access to key content (including Akamai, Canal+, Edgecast, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Netflix, TikTok, TVP, Twitch, YouTube)
- 24 access nodes across the country, 14 largest cities in Poland
- Ports up to 100 Gbps
- Open peering and all global Internet resources
- Direct access to Tier 1 operators

Fiber-optic network:
- 38 nodes in the country, 1 Tbps of traffic
- 2,560 km of long-distance links
- 2,480 km of fiber-optic MANs
- Actual availability of services (in 2023):
- Transmission 99.979%
- Internet 99.989%
For over 25 years, we have accumulated a unique intellectual potential which – together with technological DNA – gives us the position of the leader on the domestic market. This is confirmed by a loyal customer base from the most demanding industries (60% have been with us for at least 4 years).