Mr. Sławomir Koszołko appointed to the position of the President of the Management Board of ATM
Mr. Piotr Sieluk, who to-date acted in the capacity of the President of the Management Board, returns to the Supervisory Board of the company.
Today the Supervisory Board appointed Mr. Sławomir Koszołko to the position of the President of the Management Board of ATM S.A., the leader on the Polish data center market and a telecommunications operator providing services to business clients, a corporation whose shares are held in the portfolio of MCI.EuroVentures fund.
The new President of the Management Board will replace Mr. Piotr Sieluk who, as the Supervisory Board Member, was assigned to this function a month ago. Mr. Piotr Sieluk will take the position of the Vice Chairperson of the Supervisory Board and will continue to support the operating activity. His duties will involve consultancy to the managerial team in terms of the key areas and strategic decisions as well as communication and cooperation between the Company and the Supervisory Board and the shareholders.
“I am glad that Sławomir Koszołko has decided to joint ATM team. Knowing his experience, knowledge and managerial skills, I am convinced that he is the right person to manage the Company at this stage of development,” said Maciej Kowalski, Partner in MCI.EuroVentures Fund and Member of the Supervisory Board Member of ATM S.A. “At the same time, Piotr Sieluk, as the Vice-Chairperson of the Supervisory Board, will continue to support the Company’s operational activity, streamline and accelerate the achievement of its business goals to the benefit of all the shareholders,” Kowalski added.
Mr. Sławomir Koszołko has been engaged in telecommunications and data center services for over 15 years, and his professional career has mostly focused on the business client segment. For many years he was Director of Strategy and Marketing at GTS Poland, a telecommunications operator. The last 2.5 years he spent at T-Mobile Polska, initially as Marketing Director in the B2B segment, and then as Corporate Strategy Director.
“Throughout my work in the telecommunications sector and data center services, for years I have carefully observed the development of ATM and I am aware that I accept responsibility for managing a firm based on sound business grounds. It will be my crucial task to take advantage of ATM capabilities to achieve greater client satisfaction as well as increased value for the shareholders,” Sławomir Koszołko said.
The changes in the management board of the company take effect as of today.
ATM S.A., operating under the Atman brand name, is a Warsaw Stock Exchange listed corporation which is the leader in the Polish data center market and expert in the secure transmission and processing of data. Atman provides colocation, hosting and cloud computing services at its own data centers, which contain total space of 13,600 square meters. Using its foreign connections and its fiber-optic networks in the largest cities in Poland, Atman offers broadband services, including Internet access and data transmission. Its main clients are telecommunications operators, traditional media and Web portals, as well as businesses in the financial sector, commerce and industry. For more information see